Aside from hosting the largest VR event in the world regularly, HIKKY also hosts several genre-specific events including Comic Vket, Music Vket, and Game Vket. Our hope is that with these events, we can create a space in VR for creators to publicize their work to the world.
Comic Vket
Comic Vket is a spot to sell fan-made comics in virtual reality. Users can log in to the virtual venue from their PC, smartphone or VR device. While visiting each booth, visitors can buy fan comics and interact with each other. Admission is free, and general participation is easy!
Music Vket
Many events were cancelled because of Covid-19. Music Vket was created with a strong desire for indie music creators to have a place to publicise their work and lend a voice to users who want a virtual music-themed event. Music Vket 1 was held in August 2020, and it saw 127 general exhibitors and 5 artist/company booths where users could encounter new music. The total number of visitors was 80,000, and the event was highly acclaimed. At the venue developed in the VR space, there were music visualization booths and chances to listen to and purchase music while interacting with the other attendees. Music purchases were made through music data downloads or CD mail orders. Participants joined not only with VR devices but also with smartphones and PCs, and even people who have never touched VR could easily participate.
Game Vket
Game Vket is an indie game exhibition event held in virtual reality (VR). As this was the first event of its kind, the event was titled "Game Vket Zero." Our goal was to create a new kind of gaming event in this new era. Users could access the venue from all over the world not only from VR devices but also from browsers on PCs and smartphones. This was a new type of game event that utilizes a virtual space where exhibitors and participants could interact in real time while visiting a gorgeous venue where various indie games are introduced. Both the exhibition fee and admission fee were free, and no specialized knowledge of VR was required to exhibit.